Later March

Clouds of spring over Pinto.

A beautiful day that I didn’t take full advantage of. This evening Willow and I went to the garden. Each fork full revealed a few worms. The frost is out of the ground. Time to get serious and start gardening!

Many years ago I purchased a terrible load of manure from a wealthy local farmer. He charged me double so I thought it was going to be twice as good. It was loaded with rocks from the side of Swansea.

Every year while digging the garden I pull more of those small rocks out and pitch them to the pile near the rhubarb patch.

Tonight, in Willow’s excitement to be back in the garden, she fetched every rock I tossed, brought it back and buried it back in the garden. I didn’t mind because she was helping with the digging.

Sometimes the evening makes up for the day.

9 thoughts on “Later March

  1. Carol A. Hand

    By the way, Bob, I would love to know how such a large, lovely Canadian mountain was named Pinto! I can understand why someone named my little dog Pinto given his size, coloring, and ancestry (chihuahua and papillon).


    1. underswansea

      Hi Carol, I’m not sure why it is called Pinto, colouring in the seasons maybe. There is something interesting about the naming of the mountain that I may write about someday. Take care. Bob


    1. underswansea

      That mountain is very claimable. A matter of fact it is just a steep hike. Beautiful views from the top. About 2 years ago a man managed to fall off one of the cliffs and die. It took helicopters to get to his body. Even safe hikes have risks. Take care. Bob


      1. mountaincoward

        They certainly do have risks for the careless – I love the way you say he ‘managed’ to fall off! I have a funny story about similar events on a Scottish 3000 foot hill… One couple were up there in winter with their dog and got to near the edge, actually standing on the cornice. The cornice fell away and they plunged around 1000 feet into the corrie – luckily the snow was very soft and deep so they didn’t die. Another couple saw this and went to see what happened to them – same happened to them. They were then followed by yet another couple! The corrie must have been fairly full by then!


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