late april

A young transplant.

It feels good to be caught in full fledge spring. The warm air, the quick change to chill, shades of green in every direction and the promise of work, good work.

Willow watches over the composted manure.

Planting a small garden but bigger than we need. Assessing the trees, some dying quicker than me doesn’t seem fair. The lake flat as a pancake, reflecting the mountains, light just right, oblivious to abuse.

There is a lot to be done. That’s spring for you.

An unlucky bug captured in a web. I was surprised to see this spider out so early filling up on a Box Elder bug. Spiders have patterns on their backs to scare off birds. If I had a macro lens to see the pattern, I’m sure it would be every bit as interesting as the stars and Milky Way. Judging from the web, there could have been a struggle.

11 thoughts on “late april

    1. underswansea

      Hi Julie, the manure has been spread, Willow helped with every shovel full. ๐Ÿ™‚ When I was younger I lived in a cabin. A big spider spun it’s web in the beams on the outside. It was there through the summer feasting on moths drawn to the light. By fall it had grown to about the size of a quarter. Frost decorated the web. I made sure to duck my head in the morning so not to run my face through it. October, nothing more than cold weather to come. My father and I backed up about 50 yards and passed the 22 back and forth until we finally got him. ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. underswansea

      Damn Jim! I looked up Iowa’s cannabis laws and they are strict. Have you thought about voting the Republicans out? You don’t have to do it for good, one term may be enough. ๐Ÿ™‚ Take care. Bob


      1. Jim R

        I can drive 1 hour and be in Illinois where the stuff is for sale legally. I try to vote them out every chance I get. And, I would love to do it for good.


  1. mountaincoward

    Superb photo of the transplant!

    I know spiders have got to eat (and I like spiders) – but I always feel so sorry for things caught in their webs. If I can, I try to release them before they get too tangled up. I know I should just let nature take its course…


    1. underswansea

      My neighbour was bit by a spider. He’s immune to spiders now. ๐Ÿ™‚ I figure insects were invented for everything else to eat. I have no doubt we will be eating them before long. Luckily I will be gone before that happens. Take care.


      1. mountaincoward

        The Chinese already eat them! but they eat just about anything really – they don’t much go on the humane killing of stuff first either! Mind you, the Japanese markets are possibly worse – they fry live fish to order! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

        I think we only have one spider which can do any harm. They reckon a lot of them will bite you if you taunt them enough but I’ve never been bitten by one yet.


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