mid October

_LME8912Willow checks out the snow.

The local elections have come and gone. It worked out as I figured. Still there is some hope.

It has been decided to borrow money to buy a parcel of property at river’s edge. The choice was who to develop the land a private business or the District. The choice of leaving the land alone was not on the ballot.

Plastic bags will be banned in retail stores within the District of Invermere. This is a good thing. Still, it rings hollow. We know how to make a difference to the environment. How about banning motorboats that cover the lakes in summer or the second homes that surround the same lakes. Can there be a bigger waste or polluter than either or?


Back in the old days there was always one guy who built his outhouse over the river. He did it because he didn’t have to dig a hole and his shit sailed away with the current. As for the folks downstream, he didn’t care or even know they existed.

We are not much different today. All those motorboats and vacation homes with treated docks are the same as that old outhouse. We still don’t care about who lives downstream.

Now we carry our groceries to our cars in fabric bags made in India and figure we’ve made a difference.


There goes the winter kale.


These late October days have been wonderful. Sky blue and rivers clear. The snow is coming along with the chill. Lisa and I are never really ready for it. Probably less so as we grow old.


8 thoughts on “mid October

  1. mountaincoward

    I’ve never got on with the cold but am definitely feeling it more and more with each year! 😦 You’ve got a lot of snow already – that last photo looks like a painting or an ink drawing somehow 🙂

    You’re right about second homes being a huge problem to both neighbours and the environment in general. We have a lot of that round our way – very difficult to stamp out though…


    1. underswansea

      Hi Carol, most of the second homes in our area are investments. One of the possible ways to limit them is put sq/ft size restrictions on them. People may think twice if they can’t build a 4000 sq/ft or larger vacation home. Most of the ones in our area are this size. Take care.


      1. mountaincoward

        I have to say they don’t build second homes here – they just take the valuable housing stock (in our overcrowded country) and use it as second homes. Not sure which is the worst problem – ours or yours!


  2. Carol A. Hand

    Lovely photos of the windswept, white wonderland, Bob. It’s no wonder people flock there, at least in summer. Tragically, they bring the chaos and thoughtlessness they think they left behind when they come.


    1. underswansea

      Hi Julie, ha ha, yes those deer are well fed! They also ate the heads off my sunflowers after the snow had knocked them down. It is amazing we use a product, like a bag or straw, for only a few minutes, but it can’t be recycled and won’t break down for thousands of years. It is insane really.

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