ro dun dent


A mouse has decided to make it’s home in our studio. It has chewed the weather stripping at the bottom of the door. I blamed Willow at first, thinking she was scratching at the door, though I’ve never seen her do so. The mouse has even got into my big teacher’s desk and chewed into my bag of veggie and flower seeds.

Willow knows it’s inside and it drives her nuts. She sniffs and snorts and follows it from one hiding place to another. Once under the old Heidelberg press it is safe. Willow falls asleep with her nose beside the pallet.

If Willow doesn’t pick up her game I may have to buy a trap.


The garden has gone from wet to bone dry over the weekend. It doesn’t take many sunny days to parch the earth.

The garden is producing more than we can eat. Tonight it is mixed salad including kale, spinach and chard, beets, carrots and spuds.

Another week and the zucchini and squash will be ready. 

The beans are also on the rise, this year will be quite a crop as it seems every seed germinated.


A lazy Sunday after a busy week.

4 thoughts on “ro dun dent

  1. Jim R

    Willow will do it. Just wait.

    Mom set a trap for a mouse but had no cheese. She found a picture of cheese on the empty wrapper and stuck it on the mouse trap. It even smelled like cheese. In the night there was a snap and rattle sound. Must has got the mouse. Next morning Mom checked the trap. Sure enough, she caught a mouse, a picture of a dead mouse.


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