early February

RCE_1852The garden gate.

Here it is the start of February and the temperature is 8°c., in a month it can go as low as -40!

A warm wind rolled in yesterday. The snow has mostly melted in the valley bottom, leaving puddles on the frozen ground.

RCE_1854Willow with a full coat of hair, looking worried, while winter seems to be coming to a premature end. “Did I grow this hair for nothing?” she was heard to say.

I had three people mention gardening to me today. It seems too early to consider. Still I looked at seeds online. Willow and I even strolled out to the garden. The deer have really trampled my garlic rows. Hopefully the plants won’t be effected. There is deer shit from asshole to tea kettle (asshole to tea kettle, was a saying my father regularly used. It means a lot and afar).

The forecast is calling for cold temps.

It was a good day to hang out in the wood pile.


Cooper’s and Papa’s axes.

12 thoughts on “early February

    1. underswansea

      Hi Carol, sorry I’m late getting back to you. My days seem to be filled up. Yes BC was spared we have been getting down to -20°c but not bad. Next weekend is the Polar Bear Swim. That is when they cut a hole in the lake ice and we dive in. I haven’t missed a year and I am looking forward to it. Cooper loves his axe, but his mother doesn’t like it very much. Being the Grandpa she gives me some leeway. Take care. Bob

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Carol A. Hand

        Bob, it’s so good to hear from you! The weather here is brutal yet again, after a foot of snow. I have to have part of my roof shoveled – something for the professionals but it’s been too cold for them as well. Wishing you well with your icy swim and sending warm thoughts your way. ❤


      2. underswansea

        Hi Carol, that sounds tough. We have had some snow. Finally been out plowing. I have a good roof rake to get the snow down. If we were closer I would give you a hand. Call the professionals after it warms up. Bob

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Carol A. Hand

        I did buy a roof rake – but lightweight wasn’t quite light enough. I am sure anyone who saw me trying to get the rake on the roof was doubled over with laughter. I did call the professionals afterwards. They were scheduled to come yesterday but the windchill was too brutal so I suggested that we reschedule.


    1. underswansea

      Hi Jim, that is a big swing. It is clear here tonight. I am thinking of getting up early to see if The Milky Way comes up sideways at the same time as Venus. Take care. Bob

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    1. underswansea

      Hi Carol, it has dipped a bit as of late, but still not that cold. The US got hit hard for sure. I hope that the firewood you gathered last year is dry enough to burn. Take care. Bob


  1. Julie@frogpondfarm

    Hey Bob … great shots! The last one is super … is that really Coopers? I’m going to be looking at seed catalogues soon, but not for the summer stuff though. I can’t imagine -40! Give Willow a pat from me 🙂


    1. underswansea

      Hi Julie, yes that is Cooper’s axe. He cuts kindling for Grandma’s fire. His Mom doesn’t really approve (funny because I think she was handling an axe at his age). Still I am an old man and they give me some leeway with my grandkids. . . and sharp tools. Nice to see you stopped by, take care. Bob

      Liked by 1 person

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