Wind and smoke


My good friend Dave texted me from Radium. He said a storm was blowing through. At the time, we had a light, steady, hot breeze coming from the south. Radium is ten miles north so I didn’t give it another thought.

Thirty minutes later the direction changed and a helluva wind was blowing from the north. Willow sat out side, on guard, like nothing was happening. Branches snapped off  and shingles went flying by.

Instead of calling her in I sat with her. It was a helluva storm for the valley bottom. Once the wind slowed a rumble of thunder started, got louder and lightening went straight down finding the ground.

It was all accompanied by a few raindrops. Not good for the dry conditions. If somebody asked me if the weather has changed from when I was a youngster, I’d say, we get more wind. It sure dries the land out.

Once passed, Willow and I walked around picking up branches, beer tins, and plastic garbage bags. The sunflowers were sideways but standing. The squash leaves were heading south, revealing a couple big ones I didn’t even know I had.

The night is smoked over. The wind only made it worse. There will be no Perseids for us.

_LME8251Sage, lavender and thyme sticks in Lisa’s pine needle basket.

10 thoughts on “Wind and smoke

  1. Carol A. Hand

    Powerful description of weather and change, Bob. Lisa’a basket is a beautiful work of art!

    We live with winds here, too, and this summer, for weeks without rain. I’m a relatively new resident, so it’s hard for me to know if the weather has changed over time. We are also affected by smoke from the fires to the northwest with air-quality alerts in this hot, dry August. Sending my best wishes to you. ❤


    1. underswansea

      Hi Carol, good to hear from you. Sorry to hear the smoke is flowing south and affecting your air quality. I hope your gardens are holding up to the heat. Take care friend. Bob

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Jim R

    I had the telescope out last night to view the planets. Not much visible of dimmer stars or constellations. Lots of smoke/haze in the air. Here is the weather satellite movie for today. It doesn’t look good for tonight and the Perseids. I guess I will have to check out the web sources for live streaming. If I had the night vision goggles my son uses in the Air Force, I could see lots of them. But, he is stingy about loaning those $$$$$$ puppies.


    1. underswansea

      Hi Jim, it cleared enough at higher elevations to see some stars and Perseids. You will have to get yourself a set of those night vision googles. Perhaps the military will decommission a pair, because of a nick or scrap and you could get them cheap. Take care. Bob


  3. larrymuffin

    We had 2 terrible rain and hail storms in 2 days lasting each about 10 min. The streets flooded, the wind broke quite a few older trees. The climate is changing, 3 weeks of 35C heat unheard of in PEI.


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